Nina Talbot

Painter - Writer
painting, Dora, by Nina Talbot
From the series Faces of Dynów: "Dora", oil on canvas, 48 x 42 inches
painting, Radziechów Shul (Radekhov), by Nina Talbot
From the series Places in Galicia: "Radziechów Shul" (Radekhov), 2020, oil on linen, 16 x 20 inches
painting, Chaya Spinrad, by Nina Talbot
From the series Faces of Dynów: "Chaya Spinrad", oil on canvas, 48 x 42 inches
painting, Runaway Cow, by Nina Talbot
From the series Places in Galicia: "Runaway Cow", 2020, oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches

New Art Series:

Places in Galicia

An exploration of Jewish life, through painting, of historical Galicia, formerly a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire – today, part of Poland and Western Ukraine.