Nina Talbot

Painter - Writer
painting, Bełżec, by Nina Talbot
Bełżec, 2020, oil on linen, 24 x 18 inches

Places in Galicia


This is the site of the murder of about 500,000 victims of the Bełżec Death Camp established for the purpose of mass mechanized killing on an industrial scale of the Jews of Europe, whose lives were brutally taken between February and December 1942 by Nazi Germany.

Earth do not cover my blood
Let there be no resting
Place for my outcry

Job: 16: 18

-Writing on wall at entrance to Bełżec

Here in this carload
I, Eve,
With my son Abel.
If you see my older boy,
Cain, the son of man Tell him that I …

--Dan Pagis ‘written in pencil in the sealed freight car’